Erias Lukwago deputy Sarah Kanyike eats big , Museveni names her director of gender at KCCA

Erias Lukwago deputy Sarah Kanyike eats big , Museveni names her Director of Gender at KCCA. Whisper Eye Reports.

Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) Deputy Lord Mayor, also Makindye East councillor Hajat Sarah Kanyike Ssebaggala named the Director of Gender, Community service, and production at KCCA.

Hajat Sarah Kanyike was appointed by president Yoweri Kaguta Museveni in the ongoing restructuring at the Authority.

A source at KCCA intimate to Whisper Eye said that Kampala Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago was shocked and worried for president Museveni to fish from his office.

Lord Mayor Lukwago summoned a scientific zoom meeting yesterday night immediately after receiving the rumours circulating about the appointment of his deputy.

During the 2011 to 2016 political season, hajat Sarah Kanyike served as the personal assistant to Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago.

She also represented Makindye East in the KCCA Council from 2011 to 2016.

In the past, she served as councilor for Makindye East while Owek. John Ssebaana Kizito (late) was mayor, between 1998 and 2006.

In 2011 she was given the Democratic Party (DP) flag for Kampala district Woman MP against hon Brenda Nabukenya.

And Nabukenya went to contest for MP seat in Katilamu North county in Luwero, against NRM minister Hon Byandaala.

However when nominations reached hajat Kanyike turned down the flag, and instead went to Makindye East and stood as area MP on independent ticket, a move that coated Democratic Party two seats.

she has once unsuccessfully contested for the Makindye East Parliamentary seat in 2011.

Hajat Sarah was appointed to the position of the Deputy Lord Mayor position on 16 June 2016.

She concurrently represents Makindye East in the Kampala Capital City Authority Council