Eric Sakwa: Interdicted Jinja RDC appeals High Court ruling

The embattled RDC of Jinja District Mr Eric Joseph Sakwa who was forced to leave office for two months by president Museveni has filed a notice of appeal against the Jinja High Court ruling . Whisper Eye Reports.

Eric Sakwa has petitioned the Court of Appeal seeking reversal of the Jinja High court ruling that his interdiction was unlawful and illegal.

According to his notice of appeal filed by his lawyers of Nyote and Company advocates, dated 2nd June 2020 the interdicted RDC says he is dissatisfied with the whole high court ruling.

“Take note that Sakwa Eric Joseph is dissatisfied with the ruling of Hon Justice Jeane Rwakakoko delivered electronically on 1st June 2020. In this application he appeals to Court of Appeal against the whole ruling.” his notice sates.

Yesterday we reported here on Whisper Eye how Jinja High Court delivered a ruling dismissing Sakwa’s Judicial review application on grounds he was lawfully interdicted that he is a public servant appointed by the President and thus has to abide by public service standing orders.

Court also ruled that by virtue of regulation 38 of the public service commission regulations, SI No. 1 of 2009, the 2nd respondent, being the “responsible officer” in the president’s office, had the legal capacity to interdict the applicant who is a “public officer”, stopping him from exercising his powers and performing the functions of the office of the RDC, Jinja, until the applicant is cleared of the charge of manslaughter against him.

The High Court judge  Justice Jeanne Rwakakooko also noted that the decision to interdict Eric Sakwa is not subject to the right to be heard first since interdiction is but a first step towards disciplinary proceedings.

Therefore, there was no need for the Applicant to be heard before he was interdicted, her lordship added.

Sakwa woes run back when he was arrested and charged with manslaughter of a local-business man Isanga Charles alongside others .

He was granted bail and before he would resume his works he was interdicted by the Hajji Yunus Kakande, the secretary in the office of the president.

He challenged the interdiction in high court that they didn’t follow required procedures in interdicting him , that he was also not a public servant.