How five cows and promises were enough for president Museveni to crash Bobi Wine’s social media strength

How five cows and promises were enough for president Museveni to crash Bobi Wine’s social media strength. Whisper Eye Reports.

President Museveni paid only five cows and promises to the founder of Ghetto TV and former Bobi Wine’s mouthpiece Ashraf Kato popularly known as Ashburg Kato to crash People Power Movement social media strength.

Mr Ashburg acknowledged receiving five cows from Kisozi farm owned by Mr Museveni, to join the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM).

NRM darling new boy has recruited a number of bloggers to support President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni ahead of 2021 general elections.

“I have blocked over 3,000 people on my facebook page, this is done to prepare the battle with People Power supporters,’ says Ashburg Kato.

Since Ashburg Kato joined president Museveni, People Power supporters on social media have lost direction and guidance.

They have engaged in socialite Frank Gashumba, Buganda Kingdom premier (Katikkiro) Charles Peter Mayiga social media battle.

To make matters worse, many People Power fans are supporting Mr Gashumba creating controversies with the political movement just few months to the presidential elections.

Ashburg Kato has twisted Kyadondo East MP Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu’s Mission 2021 into Mission 2021, M7mustStay meaning that president Museveni remains in power after 2021 presidential elections.

The popular ‘Kasukaali Keeko’ slogan has been twisted by advertising Waganda Sugar.

Now Ashburg is using the chant ‘Kasukaali Keeko’ to advertise Waganda Sugar.

Mr Ashburg has started serious campaign for president Yoweri Kaguta Museveni.

MP Kyagulanyi has to immediately counter his former promoter Ashburg Kato, as away to prevent losing his social media mighty.

No offical communication from people power about Ashburg defection however sources close to Kamwokya based group is still skecthy.

Whisper Eye shall keep you posted.