Big Story: Gen Tumukunde put up a hunger strike in Luzira before his bail release

How Gen Tumukunde put up a hunger strike in Luzira before his bail release. Whisper Eye Reports.

Presidential aspirant Gen Henry Tumukunde staged a hunger strike in Luzira prison demanding his rights as a Ugandan. Whisper Eye has learnt.

A reliable source told Whisper Eye that former bush war general Tumukunde spent 72 hours without eating food.

Prison wardens rejected Gen Tumukunde to see any of his close relatives, ln-laws and friends to access him during his stay in Luzira coolers.

He could not receive any food from his people, one of his aide name withheld confirm to us.

According to our reliable source , after rejecting all visitors of Lt Gen Hemry Tumukunde, prison wardens tried to convince him to feed on a special meal prepared by them, which he refused.

He was too suspicious and asked to feed together with other prisoners which they refused.

It took him three days without have any meal.

Gen Tumukunde told Whisper Eye that he was isolated and kept in a single room alone some thing close to torture.

Efforts to get a comment from the prison authorities about this matter was futile as by the time of this story security media team was locked in a Covid-19 press.

Recently Gen Tumukunde declared to contest with president Yoweri Kaguta Museveni in 2021 general elections.

In 2005 general Tumukunde opposed the presidential third term, and he was imprisoned for two years.

Before all this Tumukunde was campaigning to become the Mayor of Kampla