
Anti Mao groups in DP sets tough demands, rejects Kidandala’s suspension.

Anti Mao groups in DP sets tough demands, rejects Kidandala’s suspension.

Democratic Party (DP) anti Mao-Mbidde groups have presented a document to DP president Norbert Mao.

These include; DP bloc, Uganda Young Democrats (UYD), DP MPs from central region and some NEC members.

In thier joint press statement they stated:

The Democratic Party Constitution conforms to Article 71 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda which provides for both Political and Financial Accountability which are benchmarks of any Good leader and Good Governance.

The Democratic Party Constitution is very clear on internal democratic mechanisms, democratic practices and it has since inception been a nurturing text for leadership and constitutional governance in Uganda.

Most recently Members of the DP Parliamentary Caucus requested for financial accountability from the leadership of the Democratic Party.

Now therefore we are here to seek for Political accountability together with a larger spectrum of the leadership within the leadership structure of our mighty Party.

We have noted the concern within our rank and file and the general public about the current political crisis brewing inside the party leadership which is largely attributed to the lack of respect to the constitution of the Party by the would be guardian, the Hon Nobert Mao and his self-centered faction of leaders;

We are dismayed that;

The Party President has avoided the important requirement for him to account for Party funds and resorted to rebuking all and sundry who dare raise a finger in this direction.

The Party President has undermined the role of the National Executive Committee, he has frustrated the functioning of all other Party organs like the Parliamentary Group and the National Council and is instead of late, running the Party on executive decrees which have no space in the realms of the Party Constitution.

The Party President has responded to members’ agitation for Political accountability by surrounding himself and the Party Offices with daily Military, Police and militia presence.

The Party President has hijacked the Party restructuring and leadership renewal process and introduced a sham electoral process with a view to benefiting his personal ambitions at the expense of the majority democratic processes within the Party.

The Party President and the clique around him have constituted themselves into a tribunal presiding over issues pertaining to all structures from the village, Parish and District branches in direct contradiction with the Party devolved structural powers.

The Party President is quickly eroding the hope, gains, momentum and leadership hitherto restored by the DP Reunion and the DP Bloc endeavors towards a united and vibrant Party.

The Party President has most specifically seized the powers and roles of the other office bearers and organs of the Party and increasingly relies on cliques in the running of Party affairs whereupon he has arrogated the powers of the National Organising Secretary, Treasurer and Publicity Secretary to his cronies.

The Party President unilaterally changed the decision of the last National Delegates Conference to hold the upcoming National Delegates Conference in Western Uganda and changed the venue to Gulu.

The Party President has unilaterally pronounced at a Press briefing that he has changed the roadmap and dates of the delegates Conference contrary to the decision of the Party structure.

The above actions have sunk the Democratic Party into a crisis that is pitying the Mao led clique against the majority leaders, members, organs, branches and sub-branches to the detriment of the Party.
As key leaders and stakeholders in the DP, we shall not idly look on as the situation further deteriorates and wish to assure the entire DP fraternity that we shall stop at nothing in ensuring that order and sanity returns.

In this vein, we Now wish to make the following demands;

  1. We demand that Mao respects the Party Constitution and Organs.
    The current crisis in the Party is largely fueled by unconstitutional and selfish actions of the Party President.

We demand that Hon Mao desists from his gross violations of the Constitution and decisions of the Party Organs.

  1. We reject the purpoted suspension of Mr. Sulaiman Kidandala as the National Organising Secretary.

Neither Mr. Mao nor his cronies have power to interfere, suspend and or in any way undermine the role of any office bearer voted by the National Delegates conference without due process as was the case at the recent meeting at the Party Offices at Balintuma Road.

We the wider Party fraternity recognize Mr. Sulaiman Kidandala as the legitimate and substantive National Organizing Secretary and deplore and reject his purported suspension and any parallel programs outside his official mandate.

  1. We demand a stake holders meeting
    The current situation calls for a key stake holders meeting involving Members of NEC, Members of National Council, Party elders, all MPs, DP bloc leadership, UYD leaders, Women and local Government leaders.
  2. Emergency National Council
    An emergency National Council should be convened to resolve its pending agenda and the controversy surrounding the restructuring program of the Party.
  3. Issuance of Party Cards.

The ongoing electoral process is invalid for lack of the requisite Party Cards.

We demand that it should be halted henceforth and the National Treasurer should reclaim her inherent duty and the National Treasurer should facilitate the National Organising Secretary Mr. Sulaiman Kidandala to perform his legitimate duties within the confines of the Constitution.

Uganda’s oldest political party is on the verge of losing her members including MPs if the ongoing misunderstandings are not handled well.

Party leaders and members accuses DP president Mao, Vice president Mukasa Mbidde and Ag Secretary general Siranda Gerald Blacks to violet party constitution.

Whisper Eye News

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