
Why Nile Republic ? secession not solution to northern Uganda question

Wise people say: time heals wounds! But also the most expensive thing ever known by humans.
I say, to appreciate what you have, imagine your self without it? To appreciate the country we have, let’s imagine ourselves without Uganda? Imagine you are Ugandan refugee in South Sudan? To appreciate life, imagine yourself with advanced cancer and the Doctor told you, you
have a day to go! Yes, to imagine a nile republic imagine yourself in a worse civil war than the 20 years extinction, brilliant genocide?

Why I am I writing this? It’s because I see, hear and feel people calling for separation of Northern Uganda from Uganda. They advance varied reasons. One, Northern Uganda feel subjected, socially, culturally, economically, politically and morally alienated by those in power. Development is lopsided. Jobline, unemployment and rate of poverty is alarming.
Education is a dream that never was.

The government saw health, Agriculture, education, infrastructure and all other developments arrested from the war time to date. Government over saw a 20 years war, that kept 1.8 million people in IDP camps, over 30.000 children abducted and hundred of thousands killed. The people are left with one property, that is land, being grabbed by land grabbers and depleted by business people cutting even their golden shea trees.

When it comes to National CAKE, the North takes the rat share! Left overs. Disease, hunger , desperation and hopelessness rocks the land. At the end. Politically, they feel Uganda was liberated against them. The regime does celebrate a chess thumping occasion of Liberation day. This has unprecedentedly polarized the country.


It’s costly and must be the last resort. From 1962, Uganda went unitary government, I would have preferred a federal government. Such that each region decides who, how and why they are governed. Here development, will be shared, besides corruption curtailed. I will reiterate details on secession and also need for unity and a United states of Uganda.

What’s secession?

Secession ( is derived from the Latin term secessio) is the withdrawal of a group from a larger entity, especially a political entity, but also from any organization, union or military alliance. Threats of secession can be a strategy for achieving more limited goals.

[1] It is, therefore, aprocess, which commences once a group proclaims the act of secession (e.g. declaration of independence).
[2] It could involve a violent or peaceful process but these do not change the nature of the outcome, which is the creation of a new state or entity independent from the group or territory it seceded from.

[3] Some of the most famous and significant secessions have been: the American Revolution, the former Soviet republics leaving the Russian Federation, and Algeria leaving France.

[4]Eritrea leaving Ethiopia, from 1991 with a civil war that ended up in 2018, when the current prime minister went for peace, receiving Nobel peace prize in 2019, Soviet union, over 14 states left Russia, 1954-1962 Algeria and France secession, Bangladesh leaving Pakistan,ending with bloodshed in 1971, Uruguay leaving Brazil under Portugal influence. It was in 1815, with Britain and France intervening through mediation.


Catalonia in Barcelona: it caused lots of human rights abuses. Brexit. Kurdistan. Tibet. Scotland. Luhansk and Donetsk. Quebec. These places have significant minorities that want to leave the country they are currently in and set up their own. They want to secede.


The reasons for secession are varied, as are the methods of seceding. There are arguments for and against secession, and you can find secessionist sentiments in all of the major and minor political ideologies out there. Most of the reasons surrounds injustice and inequality in sharing
National CAKE. The moral question is, do we need a Nile Republic? Secessionist only succeeded in only 10 countries in the past 250 years or so:


Most prominent case near Uganda is South Sudan.
Sudan leaving Sudan: These two are in the same neighborhood as Ethiopia and Eritrea, though their story is a bit different.
Unlike Ethiopia, which managed to maintain its independence during Europe’s colonial venture in Africa, Sudan was just a large chunk of territory created specifically to keep other European powers out of British-ruled Africa.

When the Brits left town, this vast territory became one of the world’s largest countries (by area)overnight. Things got ugly quickly, and South Sudan ended up fighting a 22-year war with Khartoum before officially seceding in 2011.
The new country descended rapidly into civil war, leaving open the options for further secessions on the one hand, or an opportunity for yet another regional strongman to step into the void caused by war on the other.


In order to have an accurate debate on the quest for federalism in Uganda, I will give a working definition of federalism.
Federalism comes from a Latin word “foedus” meaning “pact” or “covenant”.Federalism is a territorial distribution of power between the Central Government and peripheral or subordinate Governments under an arrangement which cannot be changed by an ordinary or simple process of central legislation. For example, the amendment of the USA written Constitution requires 2/3 of both Houses of Congress (i.e. Senate and the House of Representatives) and three quarters of the 50 Federal
States. Another description of federalism: it is a system of government in which entities such as states or provinces share power with a national government.

The United States government functions according to the principles of federalism. The U.S.political system evolved from the philosophy of federalism.

Bellow are › Dictionary Definitions :
Definition of Federalism by Merriam-Webster
Nov 24, 2019 · Federalism definition is – the distribution of power in an organization (such as agovernment) between a central and periphery.
Inclusion, the 1962, 1966, 1967, and 1995 Uganda constitution both reorganizes unity, and bestowed power to the people. I suggest, we need a one country with a fair and equal

Mwaka Lutukumoi

Whisper Eye News

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