How Uganda’s presidential aspirant jumped into Parliamentary chamber, causes stampede

Presidential aspirant and body guard jump into Parliamentary chamber, cause stampede. Whisper Eye Updates.

The Red Top Brigade Movement Uganda leader, Mutaasa Kafeero Charles, also a presidential aspirant of Uganda 2021, and his body guard Eng. Ssenjakko Dafala yesterday jumped into parliamentary plenary hall from public gallery.

Two political activists had documents they claim that were to be served to MPs.

Documents entitled ‘A letter to Africa and Uganda, stop cropping out your country’

Speaker to Uganda Parliament Hon Rebecca Alitwala Kaddugala informed the public about the parliament stampede caused by these activists.

‘An irate individuals jumped from the stragers’ gallery into the plenary hall, in a bid to halt proceedings,’ say hon Kadaaga.

‘The men, calling themselves members of The Red Top Movement Uganda said, their act was in protest against the rampant corruption in the country,’ she added.

They carried a statement that they intended to distribute to MPs.

‘One of them is aspiring to be “President” of Uganda,’ Kaddaga stated.

Mr Kafeero and his colleague were apprehended by the Seargent at Arm’s and investigations are underway.