Profile: Who is Emmanuel Mwaka Lutukumoi?

Emmanuel Mwaka Lutukumoi,  is one Ugandan you will love to hate! He is never thirsty or short of controversies.. 

He spent his life growing up as an opposition Democratic party member.  He has always praised Hon Norbert Mao as his mentor and betrayer at the same time. 

He gave his reasons on how and why he left Democratic Party to a government he hates, and fought against for rest of his life,  saw his Aunts raped and uncles killed in the early years of Museveni that led to Northern war.  

Mwaka Lutukumoi grew up under shots and fire and witnessed the Injustice pedaled on the Acholi people by both Joseph Kony’s Lords Resistance army and the Museveni’s National Resistance army making Acholi become entangled in a war fought against them by two prong enemies. 

In his early childhood,  Lutukumoi, found himself on the streets of Kampala,  homeless, got back to Gulu, educated self. In 1994 he was abducted by the LRA rebels and escaped after sometimes.

He was  initially inspired by Norbert Mao who went to Agwee, Mwaka  Lutukumoi ‘s village in 1994 campaigning for Constituent Assembly,  in the campaign. Lutukumoi was a 14 year old dropout and a village drunk.

 When Norbert Mao explained his education life,  and how he was President in Makerere university GUILD,  and how he intends to run for president of Uganda. Lutukumoi immediately said he want to be like Mao! From that day his life changed. 

In 1999, Mwaka Lutukumoi joined Makerere university and graduated with degree in Mass communication [ Political science and Public relations]. 

From Makerere university,  Lutukumoi joined Uganda young Democrats (UYD). At the time article 296 banned all political parties. 

 UYD did fight to reinstate back multiparty politics.  It was NRM monolithic Party. Lutukumoi suffered torture by the regime as UYD activist.  

He was jailed many times with other UYD comrades. Like Samuel  Muyizi, Mukasa Mbidde, Keza Haj and people like Aisha Mutumba.  

He saw many lose their lives,  like Ntale Geoffrey, Grace musoke,  and Comrade Lugumvu who was literally murdered.  

The conflict between Lutukumoi,  Mbidde and Dr Besigye started right when the two were in the struggle and Dr was in the government suppressing them.  

In 2001, Lutukumoi being campaign manager for Mukasa Mbidde for GUILD President,  a UYD, was again confronted with Dr Besigye, who went to Makerere university, as opposition but supporting Njuba, young son of late Njuba.

 The conflict and bad blood started then. In his radical yet academic well researched articles and daily rants or missive, Thinking ALOUD,  Ndugu Mwaka Lutukumoi has never spared Dr. He claims he must join opposition and support another candidate after being the only candidate for 20 years.

  Lutukumoi notes that Dr is no difference from President Museveni.  Lutukumoi is an advocate for change. 

Influence of Norbert Mao. 

In 1994, he was inspired by Norbert Mao,  in 2001, Norbert Mao appointed Mwaka Lutukumoi as his legislative assistant.  He served up to 2003. He immediately initiated child protection programs in Gulu.  

Thousands of children would sleep by the roadsides.  In fear of being abducted by LRA. They would suffer cold and hunger. Some little girls would be raped and defiled.  

Mwaka Lutukumoi,  using money he raised from Japan,  built the biggest night commuter centre he called Teokono.  There was no NGO. This became known as ‘Baghdad’ keeping thousands in Kaunda grounds. This act was praised by Rt Bishop M. Ochola who praised Lutukumoi for the act. ( watch wango video)

After he registered an NGO,  United Youth Action for Progress [UYAP]. This managed to write proposals for food security and helped 5000 homes in Koro, through USAID.  

The innovative action helped employ hundreds of young people.  After releasing the children from night commuter centre, he initiated NEST.  Needy Education Scholarship trust , this is a personal initiative, he mobilized friends from Gulu and outside Uganda,  including himself, they raise money to educate the poor, needy but smart children.  

This initiative saw over 120 Ugandans benefits,  not only Gulu but even one in Western Uganda. The organizational ability also helped Lutukumoi lobby friends in Japan build a vocational school in Laroo,  Teokono, that has empowered thousands since 2006. Lutukumoi is proactive leader.

After an aborted election where he narrowly lost to be Gulu municipality member of parliament,  had it not been for petty fights in his Party Democratic party, he was appointed, Minister of information by Acholi king  , HH. Paramount chief Onen Achana.

 In 2007 UYD,  elected Lutukumoi its Spokesperson and in 2010 Democratic Party delegates,  as a National leader, he was voted as Democratic Party National Spokesperson,  becoming its yongest publicist by over 3000 Ugandans.  

Controversy of joining NRM government. 

In 2011, Lutukumoi had 3 unfair primary elections within Democratic Party which he won the current MP Gulu,  Hon Komakech Lyandro . After beating him in 2011 primaries, DP again decampinged its own candidate, Emmanuel Mwaka Lutukumoi.  

Like in 2006, the same thing happened.  After election, Lutukumoi assured Democrats that he is quitting the Party.  The malaise took 10 years, again he suspected, in 2016 the same will happen. 

It was an awkward moment that shocked NRM.  The secretariat asked him to first meet the president before he can declare,  so he tells his price.

 Lutukumoi refused, went head to join without any promise. It was after campaign and NRM did not want to add any one.  Lutukumoi went with no value to them. 

 After 3 years,  he was appointed Deputy RDC of Lira in 2014,  whose salary is not half the employees at Lutukumoi’s NGO.  But he took up, acted as RDC, instead of working for government,  he went to expose corruption .

 This cost him and survived many assassinations as he was suspected to work for opposition.  In 2016, he survived a Bomb blasts before he was demoted to Kitgum and quit. It must be noted that it was only in Lira were opposition freely campaigned as Lutukumoi prevailed over police.  In the end, opposition won Lango, NRM and UPC strongholds. 

 In 2018 the people of Lira petitioned President who reappointed Lutukumoi as RDC but he rejected. A position many would kill a cow to celebrate. 

Scholar / Living in New York 

Lutukumoi is young African Scholar,  associated to Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation,  NY . He is a researcher, and greatly in academia.  He writes often on topical issues. He is an author and has done another book,  research book on Immigration yet to be published. 

Lutukumoi is registering Lutukumoi Foundation in the USA as a non profit organization to help advance education in Uganda and mentor leadership. 

Lutukumoi intends  to groam leaders to run a democratic Uganda.