People Power writes to EC about pending Youth elections

People Power writes to EC about pending Youth elections. Whisper Eye Reports.

Mityana municipality MP Zaake Francis Butebi who doubles as the National youth leader in People Power Movement has pened down the Electoral Commission (EC) over youth elections.

MP Zaake demands EC to pronounce it’s self about the youth elections in the country.

‘We have written to the Electoral Commission requesting for information and clarification on matters pertaining the forthcoming national youth elections,’ says MP Zaake.

“There is an exhaustive Act of Parliament that streamlines the process especially the eligibility criteria for candidates but we are reliably informed that different EC officials have been coming up with creative interpretations of the law to the disadvantage of prospective candidates especially in rural areas,” he explained.

Meanwhile, the youth voters’ register will be displayed at village level for nine (9) days starting Wednesday 19th/02/2020 next week.

Nominations will thereafter be held from 8th to 13th April 2020; campaigns from 15th to 17th April; and finally the village elections on 24th April, 2020.

The process will then continue onwards until the election of regional youth representatives to Parliament.

‘For those who intend to contest for any youth position, please contact my deputies Maria Ledochowska (Eastern Uganda); Namirembe Angella (Central Uganda); and Saasi Marvin (Western Uganda). Those from Northern Uganda should contact me for further guidance,’ MP Zaake requested.

Youthful MP encouraged all People Power youth to participate in this process as they spread the word to all even those in remote areas.