NRM SG Lumumba meets all university NRM chapter leaders a head of Guild elections

NRM SG Lumumba meets all University NRM chapter leaders a head of Guild elections. Whisper Eye Reports.

The Natioanal Resistance Movement (NRM) Secretary General Hon Justine Kasule Lumumba interfaced with all University NRM Chapter Chairpersons and their patrons at the party head offices in Kampala.

The meeting has come just a few weeks towards the forthcoming 2020 guild elections across all universities in the country.

Ms Lumumba was accompanied by the Deputy Secretary-General Mr Richard Todwong and the National Treasurer Hon Namayanja Rose Nsereko.

The Secretary-General urged the leaders to let go of all distractions in their political lives and focus on the objectives of being leaders.

She further asked them as leaders to always work to deliver victory to their team.

‘We must know the benefits of being united, set aside our differences and work for the common good,’ says Ms Lumumba

NRM was badly defeated in guild elections last year by the new wave of People Power Movement combined with Uganda Young Democrats (UYD).