Mbabirizi application halting Uganda Presidential 2021 elections dismmised

Mbabirizi application halting Uganda Presidential elections dismmised. Whisper Eye Reports.

Regional court, the East African Court of Justice has paved a way to Uganda’s 2021 general elections thereby dismissing an application by Kampala city lawyer Male Mabirizi Kiwanuka.

In 2019, Male asked the court to halt the 2021 presidential elections to allow the hearing and determination of the presidential age limit appeal which he lodged before it.

The court issued a notice on January 6, 2020 the court had indicated that it will deliver its ruling on the matter on 6th February at its headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania.

Solicitor General Atoke Francis asked court to dismiss Male Mabirizi’s application arguing that it will delay the country’s general elections road map.

He furthered argued that the case was already presented to lawful courts in Uganda, thus giving their ruling on the matter presented by Mr Mabirizi.

In his case Mr Mabirizi claims that the Members of Parliament (MPs) amended the presidential age limit clause 102 (b) (during the famous ‘Togikwatako’) by use of violence.

Mabirizi cited the case of Military police officers that invaded parliament and tortured legislators inside the plenary of the parliament and outside.

Arguing that such acts are unconstitutional thus appealing to halt the elections.

It its ruling the Court cleared the 2021 general elements in Uganda.

Judges on the panel are justice of the Court of Appeal in Uganda Monica Mugenyi, Faustin Ntezilyayo, Dr. Charles Nyawello, Audance Ngiye, and Charles Nyachae.