Sad News : Former MP , Actor Kato Lubwama candle burns out

Former Ugandan Legislator and actor, Kato Lubwama is dead. #WhisperEyeNews

Former Rubaga South Member of Parliament Kato Lubwama (52) is dead, reportedly passed away in the early hours of Wednesday June 7morning allegedly succumbed to complications resulting from his long standing heart condition at Stana Medical Centre in Bunamwaya where he often had periodic checkups.

The sad news of the passing of Kato Lubwama was broken by local events promoter and business associate Andrew Mukasa aka Bajjo Events, via TikTok.

Lubwama born August 16, 1970, rose to fame as an actor as well as a playwright in the 1990s and founded Diamonds Ensemble a theatre companies. He joined CBS FM in the 2000s and furthered a renown Kalisoliso programme as “Biiso” forming a powerful partnership with other actors such Abby Mukiibi and Patricko Mujjuka as their show vied for the most listened-to morning show in Uganda.

The radio presenter-actor-musician, Kato Lubwama stunned the country in 2016 when he was elected the Rubaga South member of parliament on Democratic Party ticket which he lost to NUP’s Mukasa Aloysius T.G in 2021. Lubwama kept a “silent parliamentary record” up the end of the his term.

Lubwama re-established himself in the entertainment field, founding B24 TV, started a YouTube channel and made regular appearances on other digital platforms, mostly on NBS TV’s UnKut and Kasuku.

In March 2022, the Founder of Diamonds Ensemble, Diamonds Production, and B24 TV Kato Lubwama was hospitalized with heart complications. He was later flown to Turkey where he underwent a successful operation and he appeared stabilized but always had medical checkups to monitor his health status.

May his soul rest in peace!