Revelers destroy property as David Lutalo fails to show up at a music concert

By Mike Rwothomio

Hundreds of revelers that turned up for a well locally advertised music concert for far away hitmaker David Lutalo became rowdy and destroyed property worth millions of shillings at Paradise Hall Zombo Town Council, Zombo District in West Nile subregion when the said artist was a no-show.

The concert that was slated for the 13th of May on Saturday night from 7_00 pm till dawn mustered hundreds of different categories of revelers from different places and paid between 8000-10000 UGX as gate fees. 

Advertising posters, banners, Dj mentions, etc were on two weeks earlier all over Zombo District and other places and this set a lively ground for the concert.

Some of the properties destroyed when revellers realized that their favorite artist was a no show at Zombo paradise hall in Zombo town council

All started well with the Karaoke dance crew entertaining revelers at a fully packed Zombo paradise hall at 7:00 pm after a street advert was carried out rallying people to turn up for the “So Nice” Singer David Lutalo’s Show, who was anticipated to be at Pakwach town in Pakwach district by 6: 00 pm on Saturday

However, hell broke loose when at around midnight revelers realized that they were duped by the promoter who was identified as Moses Abila of O.K electronic Center Arua Promotions, who collected gate fees personally before making off to an unknown place and later switching off his known contact ( 0762034682) at around midnight.

The manager of Zombo Paradise Hall In Zombo town council Alex Jangeyambe told Whisper Eye that the promoter who up to now has switched off his phone cleared everything with the management Last week and there was no sign that he was duping them.

Jangeyambe added that the windscreen of a tipper lorry packed in front of the hall was destroyed to the core and more than one hundred fourteen plastic chairs plus drinks, bottles, and other property got destroyed by revelers after realizing that their favorite singer was a no-show.

Up is the poster Of David Lutalo that has been in circulation for nearly two weeks ahead of the much-anticipated music concert

“Everything was well set. Promoter Moses Abila came here several times and I thought he was a genuine person. He booked this place two weeks ago and paid my money fully. Yesterday he was telling me by 6:00 pm that David Lutalo was in Pakwach district and By 9:00 pm he said Lutalo had arrived. He was personally collecting gate fees and a few minutes later, he disappeared, people destroyed chairs, bottles, drinks, and many other things here” Jangeyambe Explained

The LC 1 chairperson of Zombo central cell James Oringi said the event was organized without the prior knowledge of the authorities. He blamed the hall management for giving cold shoulders to security which was the most paramount agency at the Show.

” I tried several times to organize meetings with these organizers but they underrate me all the time. For me, I came to learn about a concert coming in this village yesterday when people became rowdy and started destroying properties with a loud noise” 

The district councilor of Zombo town council Mike Joram Anyolitho said two different crusades and seminars were also ongoing from Both Zombo town parish catholic church and Zombo born again church and bringing another event that sought would have annoyed God.

A string of attempts by Whisper Eye to reach out to the said Promoter Moses Abila of  O.K Electronic Center Arua Promotions, Proved futile as his known contact (0762034682) was switched off.

However, the tense scene is reported to have been calmed down when security forces who were for their regular night patrols reigned in shortly.

Speaking to Whisper Eye on Sunday 14th, the Manager of David Lutalo Nasser  Ziwa,  distanced himself from organizing any concert or show for the artist in the west Nile subregion

“We don’t know, we are not connected to anything about that show” Ziwa Said

Before securing a venue for an event, an event manager or event promoter should secure police permission and the officer’s presence is paramount to maintain peace it remains unclear why the event promoter never contacted security personnel ahead of the well-advertised music concert.