Embattled Minister Lugolobi saddened by the worrying living conditions in Luzira prison

The Minister of State for Planning, Ntenjeru County MP Amos Lugoolobi revealed the worrying conditions in both Uganda’s detention cells and the maximum prison in Luzira. #WhisperEyeNews

Lugoloobi let the cat out the bag at Thanksgiving ceremony at his home in Namulanda, Kayunga District as he celebrated his return from detention.

In his speech, he said that his three days in jail were hell and could not come to terms with the conditions he found prisoners living in.

“I think my arrest was God’s way of showing me something that I had never put attention to as the Minister of Planning. I was able to witness the terrible conditions in jail and it is high time we work towards improving the welfare of the prisoners,” Lugoloobi said.

“I am now so much aware of the terrible conditions in both police cells and the prison and in my line of duty as the Planning Minister, it is high time to champion the cause to improve those conditions,” he added.

Lugoloobi is among the ministers accused of sharing iron sheets meant for Karamoja relief.

On his part, he received 300 iron sheets which he used to roof a goat shade at his farm in Ntenjeru before plucking them off due to public pressure and returning them to the government.

He was consequently arrested and remanded to Luzira for three days but later released on bail.