Am ready to face anything for moving the anti-homosexuality bill.” Basalirwa

Bujiri Municipality MP Hon Asuman Basalirwa the mover of the anti-homosexuality bill says he is aware of the magnitude of the forces he is fighting but ready to face anything they will do to him including being killed or international flight bans. #WhisperEyeNews

Basalirwa adds that his bill touches the sensitivities of powerful people in the world but he is more interested in upholding the dignity of the Ugandans.

Basalirwa was cleared by the Ministry of Finance and given the certificate of financial implication a green light to proceed with the matter.

However, Basalirwa’s bill has lighter penalties than one that had been signed into law in 2014 only to be quashed by the court over lack of quorum during its passing.

Basalirwa says the lighter penalties this time was deliberate given the magnitude of forces they are fighting that are already threatening to cut AID coming to Uganda.