Are they fighting ?? Gen Muhoozi opens up about his relationship with Gen Museveni

The first of President Yoweri Museveni Muhoozi has once again made another shocking alleging that he and his father are the most closet friends in the world despite have made several attacks on the Father’s  NRM party. #WhisperEyeNews

(Courtesy Photo)
According to Gen Muhoozi, he shares almost everything with his father adding that he can never fight him because he made who he is now. He likewise said that his father the president of Uganda knows all his capabilities, what he can do and what he can’t.

“My father and I are the closest friends in the world. We share everything together. I cannot fight him because he made me. But even he knows who I am and my capabilities,”read the former UPDF commander’s tweet.

Just recently, in a series of tweets that are still up on his Twitter account, general Muhoozi took a swipe at the NRM party’s way of leadership saying that what it does not represent the people of Uganda.

The tweets gained a lot of attention online with most accusing him of trying to oppose his father.

“I believe in Jesus Christ and I believe in my father, General Kaguta Museveni. I certainly do not believe in NRM. In Marxist terms, it is probably the most reactionary organisation in the country,”his tweet read.

Shortly after the tweet, the general has gone ahead and changed his Twitter profile picture into a photo of Jesus.

Muhoozi’s father formed NRM shortly after he clenched the presidential seat back in 1986 and has since then successfully run for presidency on 6 occasions with the party.

Gen Muhoozi has been in the media limelight since early October when he threatened Kenya with military invasion and the capture of Nairobi.

Which was followed by his father banning him from talking about anything political on social media platforms, Twitter specifically. A move that Muhoozi has clearly disregarded.

The 78-year-old president speaking in an interview acknowledged that he had not been pleased by his son’s tweets thus why Muhoozi and the blue app were getting sent to time out.

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni’s son Muhoozi Kainerugaba seems to be changing his tune barely a day after attacking his father’s political outfit, the National Resistance Movement (NRM).