Teachers Strike: “Go back to class and teach. ” Gen Museveni tells striking arts teachers

President Yoweri @KagutaMuseveni and First Lady Hon @JanetMuseveni Kataaha Museveni have today met with leaders of the #Uganda National Teacher’s Union (UNATU) in their regional clusters at Kololo Ceremonial Grounds this afternoon. #WhisperEyeNews

During the meeting, Gen Museveni told the teachers’ leaders that while government acknowledges the issues raised by the Arts teachers, he is also aware of salary issues from other workers; the army, Police officers, etc who are equally important to the growth and development of this country.

The President said that as a government, they have provided a position and pledged to competitively remunerate workers guided by a science-led strategy adding that this does not mean the government has forgotten others, but only choosing to prioritize the few and others can come later so as one problem is finished at a time.

Gen Museveni added that as a government, they have a strategy and no one should disrupt it because they are aware of the issues and are committed to handling them.

He has thus advised the Arts teachers to go back to class and teach as no increment is going to be done at this period of time.

Arts teachers under the umbrella of the ANATU went on strike after their science counterparts hit a jackpot as the government decided to increase their salaries by 300%.

ANATU is yet to release a statement following its meeting with the head of state.