Urgent Climate Action Africa launches campaign to manage solid waste to conserve Makanaga Ramsa site in Mpigi district

By Kaweesa Hope Mulangira

Urgent #Climate Action Africa (UCAA) a not-for-profit organisation has embarked on initiatives of environmental protection to save bird-rich Namugobo, and Sanya landing sites found in Makanaga Ramsa in Kammengo Sub-county, Mpigi District. #WhisperEyeNews

On an occasion at the Sanya landing site where they carried out community sensitisation on environmental measures, the Executive Director of UCAA Mr Mugonza Andrew told Whisper Eye News that the major objective of the initiative is to save wetlands such as Makanaga from degradation.

Ssanya landing site after Collecting solid waste

“Plastic pollution, bush burning and deforestation is what hosts you when you reach at Makanaga. The wetland is Uganda’s unexploited sanctuary harbouring over 135 bird species including migratory, endangered and indigenous species.
It harbours about 80% of bird species found in Uganda.”

Ssanya landing site Before collecting solid waste

“Pleasant environment will be an additional measure to increase the number of birds at the site and attract new species which run from their indigenous harbours seeking refuge,” he added.

Andrew also added that “We urge the community to back up this initiative by playing their part towards not littering solid waste within the site.”

Apart from plastic pollution, locals who depend largely on trees as a source of cooking energy have embarked on tree cutting yet trees are where birds build their nests, lay eggs and hatch from.

During the awareness meeting, Mr Mugonza asked locals to stop cutting trees but rather plant more trees as part of the conservation strategy.

Makanaga wetland is Uganda’s major harbouring wetland for Shoebill (Buulwe) birds a rare bird specie which attracts more visitors from the entire world.

“We have also found bush burning which is mainly practised by hunters to trap wild animals as a time bomb to Makanaga Ramsa site. When they burn the vegetation many eggs laid are destroyed and young birds force adult ones to migrate to safe areas,” says Mr Mugonza.

Mpigi district commercial officer Mr Kazibwe told our reporter that the challenge was under funding to the tourism sector, however, after the district adopted the Local Economic Development LED) assessment report the district is looking at developing the tourism sector.

The “Conserve Makanaga Wetland” initiative is drawn by Urgent Climate Action Africa (UCAA) partnering with Mpigi District Private Sector Forum and Green Climate Campaign Africa (GCCA).