Sad: St. Lawrence University PRO Kangavve arrested for defiling a 15 year old female scout

Police in Entebbe has arrested a one Kangavve Fred, the PRO of St.Lawrence University and a Director of Kangavve Education Services Foundation for defiling a 15 year old girl under his care.

A former Boda Boda rider, Mr. Fred Kangaave founded Kangaave Education Services Foundation, an NGO which helps vulnerable students access bursaries. Kangaave has also been disgusting as a scout’s trainer.

As a scouts’ trainer, Kangavve has been going to different schools and allowed to train scouts.

This is where he uses the opportunity to lay his traps on innocent young girls whom he eventually take advantage of, molest and engages in sexual activities.

Information obtained by our source indicates that during a Scout’s camp in Entebbe in July, Kangaave had sex with one of the girls aged 15 years (names withheld) who was still a virgin.

When she returned home, the girls mother noticed her daughter was unwell and when she was confronted, the daughter disclosed what had happened to her in scouting camp.

At the time the mother noticed, the girl she was in rotting and had to be rushed to hospital where she stayed for over two weeks.

After treatment, the girl was still traumatised and refused to go back to school.

The mother then contacted Kangavve who requested to have matters settled amicably without involving police and the negotiations ensued.

As negotiations progressed, the girl’s mother tipped the police and Kangavve was arrested in one of the meetings with the victim’s mother.

Kangavve was arrested on thursday and is still being held at Entebbe Police Station.

The Police opened up the case of defilement on SD: Ref. NO. 101/16/72024 as investigations take course to final conclusion.