Two Pakwach district staff arrested over misappropriation of 16 million

Paul Eseru, the Resident District Commissioner of Pakwach has confirmed the arrest of two Pakwach district staff who reportedly misappropriated  Uganda Shillings 16 Million.

The two include Rachael Mary Anena,  the Sub-County Chief of Pakwach Sub-county and Frank  Udoma, the accountant.

They were arrested in  the morning of July 23, 2024,  the RDC stated,  adding that the two will appear before Anti-corruption court in Kampala on July 24, 2024 on charges of Abuse of office , mismanagement of Public funds and conspiracy to defraud

“They  were arrested early this morning following sanctioning of their files by the Director of Public Prosecutions.they will be taken tomorrow to Kololo, Anti- Corruption Court to answer charges of Abuse of Office, Mismanagement of Public Funds and conspiracy to defraud” Eseru disclosed

 He added ” They include Ms Rachael Mary Anena the Sub County Chief Pakwach Sub County and Mr. Frank Udoma, the accountant of the same Sub county”.

The arrest come at a time when  a ripple of Anti corruption debate has taken a center stage across the country, following a battery of grand corruption scandals by most government officials including some members of Parliament.