West Nile gets another one stop border point

Government of Uganda through Uganda Revenue Authority has kick-started land survey process in preparation to establish a one stop border point along the Uganda-DR Congo frontier in Padea town council, Zombo district in the west Nile sub region.

The project that will be situated in the two cells of Lubia and Ular, Ndindu ward will displace over 1000 residents.

This publication understands that already 8 acres of land have been offered by the community for the project.

Before embarking on the land survey process, Uganda Revenue Authority officials frequently engaged the affected community, local leaders, and elders amongst others thus coming to a consensus on the government pro-developmental project.

During the commencement of the land survey process on July 16, 2024, Prosy Atulere, the supervisor Estates and Utilities at URA commended locals for embracing the government project without hesitation.

Atulere said after the survey which is being done by ministry of lands, housing and urban development, the report shall be presented and the chief government valuer, shall immediately come for evaluation.

She called upon the affected persons to avail authentic documents for their land to avoid confusion, controversies and delays.
When asked about payment, Atulere told the affected persons that issues surrounding payment shall be done after the chief government valuer finalize the land evaluation process.

“ We come as URA to just ensure that we through this process of land acquisition so that we are able to develop this area, at this moment allow me to say thank you to all of you, the willingness to give up your land so that we develop your area is so immense , that is what we call patriotism , so we request that if your land ownership is not yet put right, we request that you have it right , I don’t know how the land management works here but we should be able to identify you as the true ownership of the land” Atulere told land owners in Padea town council in a meeting on Tuesday this week.

Relatedly, Deogracious kaleeb, the west Nile sub regional supervisor customs-URA, commended area leadership, technical team and elders for guiding the community to embrace the project. He also called for cooperation from locals for smooth establishment of the project that he notes will create more job opportunities in the area.
“As government, we decided to acquire land to have better infrastructure here just like in other areas like Goli, Elegu and others. I want to appreciate and ask you to cooperate with us to make the process as first as possible for the benefits of all of us” Kaleeb said ahead of the commencement of land survey process.

The coming in of the one stop border point in Zombo district, will add to Goli one stop border point in the neighbouring Nebbi district in the west Nile sub region and others like Elegu, Malaba, Busia, Mutukula.

Being an essential driver to economic growth, one stop border points come with significant impact of reduced cost of trade and also stimulate flow of cross-border trade and investment making it easier for traders to conduct business across borders many trade officials told this publication.

The coordinator of Alliance for mayors in Northern Uganda, and the LCIII chairperson of Paidha town council Innocent Godfred Onega early this year wrote a letter to remind government about delay in kick-starting the Paidha-Padea one stop border point project after extensive debate about the project was last held in 2022.

Onega, who is apparently coordinating the activities between URA and the affected persons, commended government for prioritizing Padea border custom and appealed for the construction of Leda footbridge and tarmacking of Paidha-Padea road en route to the custom.

“Sometime back when we were lobbying for Padea to be elevated from checkpoint to what it is now, some people didn’t know that this custom will attract the town council, when we develop this custom into a one stop border point, am confident that it will attract more development that amongst others will include construction of Leda footbridge and tarmacking of Paidha-Padea road” Onega told a gathering that attracted land owners, local leaders, security, URA and lands ministry officials.

There is high optimism that Padea one stop border point, once it become operational will reduce consumer prices, increase household income.

The LCIII chairperson of Padea town council welcomed the project with open arms appealing for its speedy establishment.

Onyutha also called upon government to offer more opportunities for the locals most of whom he said have relevant qualification.

“we have welcome this government project here, but the basic of what we are trying to advocate for is, the intervention that is being spearheaded to develop this place, our people should also get benefit from it and one of the most advocated for corporate social responsibility is absorption of our people in the service that is forthcoming because the expansion of the border point will expand also more service and more people will be needed to render services in the border point. Onyutha emphasized

Henry Onencan Sizario, the chairperson of the land owners association of the affected area said “as elders of this place, we have welcome this development that we hope shall benefit us here”

The surveyor from the ministry of lands Samuel Ogero, before commencing the land survey process assured local leaders and the affected persons that “the survey will be done in the most accurate way as government demands”.
Padea became a check point in the 1990s and was later elevated to main custom to handle transit. Its main office was initially in Paidha town council that is still housing its immigration office. However, with the coming of the one stop border point, all its offices is expected to relocate to Padea town.