Exclusive: Slay Queen Joan Lule pelted with bottles on a function accuses Sarah Nakawunde

The initiator of the controversial TV program ‘Ttaasa Amaakago’ was pelted with empty water bottles at a function in Kammengo Sub County in Mpigi. #WhisperEyeNews

According to our source, Mpigi’s renowned slay Queen Joan Lule Nakintu attended the function of Mzee Lwanyaga’s daughter Maria at Ndodo village in Kammengo. The source added that residents of Ndondo didn’t want Joan Lule to sit on the hi table, saying she was not supposed to sit there.

“The organisers had planned a different seat for Ms Joan Lule but she defied the orders and instead sat on the hi table a seat which was organised for VIP guests,” says the source.

“Residents were bitter by the conduct of Ms Joan Lule, thus throwing empty bottles to her, telling her to leave the seat for VIP guests,” the sources added.

The slay Queen Joan decided to accuse two-term former Mpigi district woman MP Nakawunde Sarah who was present at the function in a video received by Whisper Eye News.

Joan Lule sharing a light moment recently

In an exclusive interview with Hon Nakawunde, she told Whisper Eye News that Ms Joan Lule is playing cheap politics to use her name to gain popularity.

“I can’t engage myself in such politics, at my level and experience. I pity her, such politics has no space in Mpigi. People like to listen to conversations with my name in Mpigi, thus she is trying to capture attention, but using the wrong route,” Hon Nakawunde added.

Several residents interviewed by Whisper Eye News refuted allegations that Hon Nakawunde plated empty bottles to Ms Joan Lule accusing Ms Nakintu of childish politics of blackmailing opponents popularly known as ‘Komanyoko Politics’ by locals.

Political analysts predict tough times for Ms Joan Lule in 2026, that the sign of residents throwing empty bottles at you is a sign of an unpopular person among locals.