Top FDC Mobilizers Cross to NRM infront of their Party Boss in Pakwach District

On the 15th February 2024, Pakwach District Held a Colourful and Most Successful Belated Day Celebrations in Kitawe Primary Schools in Pakwach Sub County under the them Building the Country we all Cherish.

Thousands of People attended the Belated Day Celebrations with General Taban Amin the Deputy Director General of ISO being the guest of Honor.

The Function saw seven FDC core mobilizers cross to NRM Party. Among them includes; Adubango Gilbert, Ogenmungu Wilfred, Oyubi Gilbert, Ovuru Robert Gale and Oyirwoth Geoffrey. The FDC Members decided to Cross in the presence of their FDC District Chairman Mr. Gilbert Ochan and Constituency MP, Hon Emmanuel Ogiertho (FDC ticket).

The NRM District Chairman Mr. Robert Okumu Arule welcome the Members and commended them for taking such a bold and courageous decision. The West Nile Coordinator Under office of National Chairman Ms Irene Nabwiire said she will work together with the Party to bring more and more Opposition youth back to NRM. The members were immediately issued Partu Cards by the NRM District Administrative Secretary, Mr. Fred Mugisha.

The Chief guest, General Taban told the gathering that NRM is a Sweet Party and that we should do away with Multiparty dispensation are resort to single party system like the case with China, Russia among others.