Trade Ministry  embark on  enterprise Development training in  Zombo 

A five-day training for Zombo Youths,  aimed at equipping them with employable skills has been launched by the management training and Advisory Center, an agency of the Ministry of trade, industry and Cooperatives.

The five days training was first launched on Monday 15 January,  for the Sub-county Of Paidha and Paidha Town Council, and will be rolled out to other lower local governments of Abanga, Padea, Jangokoro, Zombo, Nyapea and Athuma.

Why Zombo 

The initiative was lobbied From the Ministry by  A resident of Zombo District Dr.  Benjamin Alipanga, A lecturer at Makerere University Department of Public Health and Community Psychology.

In an interview with Journalists from Zombo Press Association on Monday afternoon, Alipanga said he initiated the idea upon witnessing “how people are developing in other areas, as a result of meaningful production skills”.

He also assured youths in other areas of Abanga, Padea, Jangokoro, Athuma, Nyapea and Zombo that the program will reach out to them in the coming days.

Alipanga said the youths after the training will be put in different groups of specialization to grant them easy access to necessary support from the government, and NGOs amongst others.

“We are organizing them in groups so that it becomes possible for them to raise funds, source for funds from government, NGOs, Donors amongst others” Alipanga said in an interview.

Area of focus

The youths are being equipped with Hands-on skills in liquid and bar soap making, reusable sanitary towels, and Daddies amongst others.

The training that is taking place at Paidha Secondary School in Paidha Town Council, has attracted more than 200  youths most of whom are unemployed.

A recent study published by Life Concern, a Zombo-based Non-governmental organization indicates that  More than 60 percent of Youths in the area can’t read and write. This according to stakeholders points out the fact that a lot needs to be done in the area of employable skills.

The Management Training and Advisory Center ( MTAC),  previously trained people with employable skills in districts like Kasese, Nebbi, Ntungamo, Mbarara, and Kabale amongst others.

The Human Resource Manager at the Management Training and Advisory Center Gloria Omwonya, has rallied the Youths to capitalize on the acquired skills that will be a life-changing venture in their life.

“I’m praying that they use the skills effectively, and when the youths form groups, My appeal especially to the district local government is to hold their hands and give them the necessary support” Omwonya said.

Nearly 9 Million Youths representing  41 percent between the ages of 18 and 30,  are not involved in productive activity according to the Uganda National Labour Force Survey. 

Nelson Ogentho, A youth Advocate with Action Aid Uganda has commended the initiative saying ” it has been one of our agendas as Zombo Youths”. He added that through the Zombo Youth summit that took place last week, more was also emphasized on employable skills.

Many of the beneficiaries attending the training have expressed utmost joy about the life-changing initiative.