Alcohol abuse kills former VP Edward Ssekandi’s son

The family of former Vice President Edward Kiwanuka Ssekandi was hit by a tragedy after his only son Kayanja Alex Ssekandi aged 39 passed on at Lubaga Hospital in Kampala on Thursday after being admitted for over two weeks.

News have emerged that what killed that late was the excessive addiction to alcohol that destroyed his internal body organs mainly the Kidney, Liver and pancreas. This was revealed by his sister Phiona Ssekandi as she spoke on behalf of the family to the mourners during the burial of the late in Bulegya village, Kyanamukaka Subcounty in Masaka District.

In her Speech, Phiona said that as family they tried all their best to stop the late from taking too much alcohol including rehab but all in vein.

“It will be a disservice if we don’t tell the mourners the truth that alcohol killed Alex. Our brother got addicted and we endeavored to fight it but we failed until it affected his essential body organs.” She said.

The former Vice President during the final send-off of his son pledged to set up a charity Organisation to sensitive Ugandans especially the youth about the dangers of alcohol abuse as these can shutter some one’s dreams.