Oyam LCV Boss Benson Walter Dila Oyuku threatens to block a 94 billion shillings Karum-Gulu water project

Oyam district Lc5 chairman Benson Walter Dila Oyuku has threatened to block a 94 billion shillings Karum-Gulu water project if Oyam is not considered. #WhisperEyeNews #Water

Dila made the revelation during a stakeholders meeting organised by National Water and Sewarage Cooperation held at Boma hotel in Gulu City on monday.

According to Dila,much as water treatment center and the source of this water is in Oyam but nothing developmental is benefitng Oyam.

He further said among all the trading centers and town councils Oyam only Kamdini and Minakulu town councils are mend to benefit in this water supply project compared to many trading centers and town councils in Omoro and Gulu city which is in Acholi sub region therfore he suggested that Amwa and Nora trading centers including Oyam town council must be supplied with this water if not this multy billion project will be block”Dilla said”

Similarly William Komakec the resident district comissioner of Oyam district also added his voice that it is only 8kms from minakulu to Oyam town which should not stop national water and sewarage cooperation from supplying Oyam towm with safe water.

Komakec said Oyam town council is currently hit with water crisis because of insufficient water which calls for serious attension of national water and sewarage cooperatiom.

Meanwhile Nommy Otyeno the Speaker of oyam district local council suggested that this project name must also be changed in recognision of Oyam district and lango where the source of this water is located he also rallied his colleague leaders in lango sub region to always rise up in things that concern lango saying during the lauch of this project only two leaders in lango were in representation compared to Acholi sub region that was fully represented by councilors,Lc5 chairpersons and mps.

In his conclusion Otyeno said out of 26 toilet facilities that were mend to benefit schools and markets along Gulu-Kampala highway under social cooperate responsibility Oyam did not benefit which is a clear indication that there is no fare treatment and sharing of equitable development.

Okot John Amos the Agago North area member of parliament said there has been alot of speculations on social media that the pipe which is supplying water to Gulu city is changed which calls for clarification.

In respone Gilbert the Kilak south member of parliament who also share parliamentary public accounts committee said there should be no warry because as PAC they are ready to investigate any corruption tendancy in this project adding that in uganda nobody can steal and stay in isolation.

Eng Johnson Amayo the deputy managing director of natiomal water and sewarage cooperation however urges Oyam district leaders to writes to permanent secretary in the office of the national water and sewarage cooperation so that they can easily be assisted

On the other hand Dan Kidega former Speaker of East African Parliament who is equally the deputy execultive director national water and sewarage cooperation said as NRM government and NWSC their ambission to supply all ugandans with safe water for both domestic and production use.

According to a report Karuma- Gulu water project which is a 94 billion shilling project funded by world bank will be supply Gulu city with 10,000,000 litters of water perday from next year however by 2030 this project is expected to be supplying 30,000,000 litters of water from Karum to Gulu city perday.
