Inside Story: What next after the resignation of Paidha black angels SC  new CEO

Sam Kumakech, The newly appointed Paidha black angels football club chief executive officer has called it a day barely months after he assumed office. #WhisperEyeNews

This throws the ” oldest club in the Alur Sub region” with another task of searching for a loyal person to steer the club full speed ahead,  in the forthcoming west_nile regional league season which analysts are already predicting its stiffness, given the high level of preparation all over the region.

He was among the cabinet ministers, Directors and advisors newly appointed and sworn in as duty bearers to keep the Kingdom’s activities afloat for the next ten years.

Kumakech who has been spotted by Alur Kingdom to head the docket of Director for information, Youths and Sports affairs in the Kingdom thought it wise to throw in the towel earlier,  to stymie the conflict of interest that comes along the most emotional game of football in Alur Land.

He had already painted his name bold,  by being the first  Chief Executive Officer to take Paidha Black Angels SC to the top division tier in the 2018/2019 season. He later bowed out over unclear reason. That history to many sounds like days of the old, but it can’t be razed by a stroke of pen.

It was against that backdrop that he was brought back this year by the new club administration with the hope of rewriting history.

Sam Kumakech a few days back issued a  missive about his resignation citing the constitution of the Republic of Uganda Cultural Act.

Kumakech had a lot he was carrying on his shoulder. He was being viewed by many in the villages of Okoro County Zombo District as the next MP in the waiting since he was much rooted in Community service. His eyes were fixed on the Position of an Area member of Parliament this Publication understands. 

“Here comes my bold decision as provided for in the constitution of the Republic of Uganda’s cultural
 leaders act, I dissolve my political structures and resign from all political and partisan activities. Resign my role as CEO of PAIDHA BLACK ANGELS SPORTS CLUB with Immediate effect” 
 Kumakech said.

He added, ” The above purpose is provided in the constitution of the Republic of Uganda cultural leaders act to avoid conflict of interest to enable me to serve entire Alur Kingdom Subjects relevantly”.

His resignation was greeted with great comments and opinions.

This brings back to square one  Paidha black angels SC,  which is putting its office in order after coming out from what fans described as a “Leadership spot of bother “.

Kumakech’s resignation comes at a time when the club is still in its wretched state,  following the sudden demise of one of its legal staff,  The Late Lt Raymond Kasamba, who perished in a deadly road crash in Jupangira Sub-county Nebbi District.

All these come at a time, when the club leadership headed by the new club chairperson who is not an amateur to the operation of Paidha Black Angels SC  Alfred Jakony, now has a daunting task of reshaping the club as the season is set to kick start next month. 

Other football clubs trying to put their ducks in a row ahead of the forthcoming season are Paidha United SC. This can be witnessed through their oneness in fixing their King Stadium Cana . Other Clubs are Zeu Central and Padea Rising Stars amongst others.