Boda Boda Man, fighting for his life after eating rat poison 

A boda boda rider from Adrupkele stage, Zingili Ward in Paidha town council Zombo district is struggling for his life,  after he reportedly consumed groundnut seeds laced with rat poison. #WhisperEyeNews

His name has been withheld by colleagues who said: ” he initially got involved in an argument with colleagues on a packet of the poison that a child was moving with along the road, he insisted it was not poison whilst others said otherwise”.

A boda boda rider called Goefrey briefly told the Whisper Eye News that they rushed him to Nyapea Hospital immediately when his condition deteriorated.

” He grabbed a packet of cimbacole rat poison from a street kid passing by our stage, they started arguing with colleagues that it was not poison, they later opened the packet and threw it away but he forgot to wash his hands. He later bought ground nuts from a hawker and consumed it without washing his hands, he got paralyzed and we rushed him to Nyapea hospital in critical condition” Geoffrey explained to the Whisper Eye News.

The Councillor of Oyeyu Parish in Nyapea Sub county where the victim is currently receiving treatment told the whispereye news that ” that man was brought in critical condition but his condition is slowly getting better though he is still in critical condition”.

In Uganda according to UNICEF, access to handwashing with soap at household level stands at 38 per cent in rural areas in FY 2019/2020 following a 2 percentage point increase from 36 per cent in FY 2018/19 while coverage in urban areas increased to 61.1 per cent from 40 per cent during the same period.

According to the Water and Environment Sector Performance Sector Report 2020. Hand washing with soap coverage is highest in the Northern region, followed by West Nile, Central, Western, Eastern, and lowest in the Karamoja sub-region.