Congolese impound Uganda Police motorcycle

Uganda Police motorcycle is  amongst 11 Motorcycles belonging to Ugandans,   impounded by irate  Congolese nationals at Goli Border Custom at  DR Congo side. #WhisperEyeNews #Uganda #UgandaNews #DRC

It was done by ticked off Congolese community in retaliation,  after Ugandan Authorities impounded  a Bajaj motorcycle with registration no 07AS 100 belonging to a Congolese national.

The impounded  Uganda Police  motorcycle with registration no  UP 8295, belong to Goli Border Custom Police Post in Jupangira Sub_County Nebbi District.

It was impounded from a police officer who was sent to  monitor the rowdy  situation along the  DR Congo_Uganda Border,   According to ASP Paul Kangave, The OC Station Goli Border Custom Police Post.

Kangave called upon locals to avoid taking laws into  their own hands when law enforcers are undertaking their lawful duties.

“We received information in the morning that Boda Bodas from Congo were impounding Motorcycles which were crossing from Uganda and today being a market day it’s always busy here.when we got the information, I sent my team of policemen because it was just happening across nearby, when my policemen reached there,  a crowd of over 80 boda boda riders from Congo became rowdy and actually tried to impound the motorcycle of police”  Kangave explained.

He added that ” we immediately had an interaction with the police the other side and involved our bosses like the DPC and RDC who engaged the counterparts from Mahagi to resolve the matter amicably”.

The incident left many ugandans  from the three Districts of Pakwach, Nebbi and Zombo who Crossed to a busy market called Nyalip in  DR Congo  super frustrated.

Consulate Giramia, a trader who came from Fwalonga in Alwi Parish Alwi Sub county Pakwach District said ” I just brought commodities here but to our dismay, all the Motorcycles that brought us were impounded, I don’t know to go back home”.

Christopher Oroma, The chairperson Boda Boda Association Ragem sub county Pakwach District stressed that ” since morning, we have been suffering here after Congolese impounded our bikes and I wonder wether this is a revenge or not”.

The 11 motorcycles with the one of  Police inclusive,    were later returned after a compromise between Authorities in Nebbi District and Mahagi Territory from DR Congo  was reached.

The practice of Congolese and Ugandans impounding  each other’s motorcycles have  become routine.

Recently, Ugandans from Jupangira Sub county in Nebbi district impounded over 10 Congolese  Motorcycles after four of their Motorcycles were impounded in DR Congo, relatedly, 18 Ugandan motorcycles from Dei Sub_county Pakwach District  were impounded by Congolese after  a Congolese national caused an accident and he was tasked to  treat the victim as his bike remains in Uganda amongst other Simmilar situations.

Additional reporting of this story Mike Rwothomio and Ofoymungu Lee