Respiratory disease continues to kill more goats in Nebbi

By Mike Rwothomio

There is a sigh of relief amongst farmers in the Nebbi district after witnessing a drastic fall in the number of goats being killed by a respiratory disease that has been ravaging the district for months.

In May this year, More than 4000  goats were reported to have died of respiratory disease in the Sub counties of Kucwiny, Ategu, Nyaravur Angal town council, Akworo amongst others.

According to experts, the causes of death in animals are  Viral or bacterial infections, irritants to the nasal passages, injury to the throat, or trachea and some flies and parasites.

The LC3 chairperson of Kucwiny sub_county Alex Oyirwoth confirmed that through extensive vaccination,  the death of animals has reduced but still the initially affected animals continue to die.

He called upon farmers to continue contributing money to buy vaccines.

” I would like to thank the district Leadership for helping us. Deaths of animals have currently reduced but still, goats that were vaccinated after they were attacked by the disease continue to die one by one. I call upon our people to join hands to acquire vaccines.” Oyirwoth told the Whisper Eye News.

The respiratory disease that is affecting the lungs of especially goats has been spreading in various areas as a result of communal grazing.

The Nebbi district veterinary officer William Abedkane had earlier cautioned against the exportation of animals from the District.

Recently, the West Nile districts of Arua, Terego and Madi _Okolo also witnessed serious deaths of goats as a result of goat plague but were rescued by vaccines from the government.