Madi Okollo gets a new vehicle for USMID-AF Projects

By Geofrey Achora Jr

Madi Okollo District has received a brand new pickup Hilux motor vehicle from the USMID-AF project. The vehicle is part of the USMID components to facilitate smooth operations of the project and enhance supervision. #WhisperEyeNews

 Alionzi Godfrey,  USMID-AF Project Coordinator said that the contract component of the construction of Matangacia market had a supply of a pickup and two motorcycles of which the vehicle was delivered earlier by Rina One Investments Limited.

Engineer Alionzi appreciated Rina One for complying with the contract terms highlighting that the supervision of USMID-AF projects will be easy with this means of transport.

The vehicle is 99% complete remaining to change the number plate to LG for which the district expressed willingness to comply.

Ojedra Joel, the Principal Assistant Secretary Madi Okollo appreciated the vehicle quality extending his gratitude to the government of Uganda for the donation. He cautioned the users of the vehicle against its abuse. Ojedra used the occasion to urge Rina One to ensure the quality of work in constructing Matangacia market.

Meanwhile, Drabe Ismail, Madi Okollo District Chairperson commended Rina One for the delivery of the vehicle. Drabe appreciated the contractor for progressing with the construction of Matangacia market.

Toko Swaib, the RDC Madi Okollo is optimistic that the vehicle has met the specification prescribed in the bill of quantity citing instances where a new vehicle is procured with an old engine.

The RDC urged the district to properly maintain this vehicle and adhere to the service periods because many local governments have parked their vehicles due to poor maintenance. He said the vehicle should be used for the purpose it was procured.

Madi Okollo District is implementing 8 USMID-AF projects of markets, resource centers, and play fields costing over 8 billion shillings.