Over 4000 goats killed by the respiratory disease in Nebbi

By Mike Rwothomio

More than four thousand goats have died of respiratory disease in the past three months in Nebbi district according to reports. #WhisperEyeNews

According to experts, the causes of death in animals are viral or bacterial infections, irritants to the nasal passages, injury to the throat, or trachea, and some flies and parasites

The LC 3 chairperson of Kucwiny sub county Alex Oyirwoth confirmed that so many farmers are crying foul as their animals are dying of a respiratory disease which he blames for the high spread of free range system of grazing animals in the sub-county that has been in existence for ages.

Oyirwoth who confirmed the death of over 4000 goats in his sub-county alone said the 900k supplementary budget Kucwiny sub-county allocated to deal with the crisis never had a massive impact notwithstanding the extensive work of the sub-county production department to deal with the crisis and he called for the intervention of Nebbi district production department.

“When we engaged the community in a community dialogue about the death of these animals, we got to realize that we had already lost a lot of animals. So the intervention of bringing in some vaccines for the goats come in at a time when there was no money. The little we were trying to budget for some vaccines were only 900,000 Ugx which wasn’t enough and could bring vaccines for only 1000 goats when we had already lost 4000 goats”, Oyirwoth told the Whisper Eye News before appealing for more support from the Nebbi district production department.

According to the Nebbi district veterinary department, the affected sub counties amongst others include Kucwiny, Nyaravur, Ategu, Parombo, and Akworo.

The respiratory disease that is affecting the lungs of especially goats has been spreading in various areas as a result of the free movement of animals.

The Nebbi district veterinary officer William Abedkane has called for a joint collaboration amongst farmers to also invite Private veterinary officers to help with the crisis since as a government they can’t manage the situation fully.

He has cautioned other neighboring districts like Zombo, Pakwach, and Madi_ Okoro amongst others to be more vigilant about importing animals from the district.

“That is the respiratory disease affecting their lungs and all the animals dying are exhibiting swollen lungs, lungs that are stuck to the chest and we are telling them what to do. It’s the disease which the government has no vaccines for, but there are vaccines available in pharmacies and need to comply and put money” Abed Explained

Most locals in the district are using Naxcel which is labeled for goats and is considered the drug choice for most common bacterial pneumonia but still, the situation is getting worse day in and day out according to some local leaders.

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