Zombo leaders rally farmers to refrain from digging in wetlands

By Mike Rwothomio

Zombo district resident commissioner Rtd Lt Col Pius Alitema has advised farmers to desist from practicing agriculture along the major water streams and rivers Nyagak and Ora to modify climate change.

Zombo district is predominantly crop producing district and people earn a living through small-scale crop production.

During dry seasons these farmers through their ancient knowledge plant crops along the valleys which harbor these main water bodies hence with increased population their practice has impacted climate negatively.

Most of the farmers have realized the reduction in yield and unpredictable climatic conditions and are stuck with no option but to farm on the available land for survival.

Speaking on a local radio station For his sensitization Programme on Saturday, the RDC Alitema has appealed to community members to secure and protect wetlands for the ecosystem and aquatic nature.

His intervention to the local within Alur land came barely days after President Museveni rallied the mass on the danger of encroaching wetlands in Uganda.

Museveni directives to Ugandans say there should be no buildings or gardens 50 meters from river banks, 200 meters from lake shores, and no building on hills with a gradient greater than 30 degrees.

Museveni also urged Ugandans to refrain from interfering with the delicate work of God and nature.

Milton Ukurmu Zombo district forest officer urged farmers to plant more trees to mitigate climate change harassment adding that those who are in need of planting trees can visit the forestry department for guidance on which tree spice can do well where and in which type of soil.

The Most depleted large rivers in Zombo district include river Ora and river Nyagak which is generating 3.5 megawatts of power and an additional 6.5 megawatts Nyagak III which is soon to be completed to boost electricity in West Nile.

Claus Opio from Zombo District Farmers Association (ZODFA) has urged the farmer groups to carefully select the enterprises and crops which cannot fetch them losses and protect the buffer zone along the rivers, streams, and gazetted forest reserves.