Katonga Bridge Collapse: Mpigi CO Kazibwe Ronald finds the shortest route from Katonga to Kampala as a solution for Businessmen

Katonga Bridge Collapse: Mpigi District Commercial Officer Kazibwe Ronald, Mawokota South Fishermen Emyooga SACCO finds the shortest route from Katonga to Kampala as a solution for Businessmen to easily access the southern and northern hemispheres. #WhisperEyeNews

The collapse of the Katonga Bridge blocked Kampala – Masaka highway which is the main road joining the northern and southern hemispheres. Now Mawokota South Fishermen Emyooga SACCO and Mpigi district Commercial Kazibwe Ronald have crested the shortest alternative route along Lake Victoria.

This route can be used to transport goods cheaply from Kampala to Masaka from the Namirembe landing site at Kayabwe to the Kiwami landing site, Bukunge in Nkozi Sub County.

Mawokota South Fishermen Emyooga SACCO chairperson Kyazze Ben who is also the chairman of the Kiwami landing site told Whisper Eye News that Mr Kazibwe told him to find out a nearby route after the collapse of Katonga Bridge to help out businessmen to transport goods cheaply.

“Ugandans must know that water transport is one of the cheapest transport. The route is short but we face the challenge of narrow entries on both sides,” says Mr Kyazze Ben.

“I request the government to consider widening the entries so that the transport costs reduce. Currently, we charge 10,000/= per person and cargo is charged based on weight and nature,” Kyazze explained.

Mr. Kazibwe promised the business congregation using this route to write to the National Roads Authority (UNRA) for intervention.

“Katonga Bridge collapse can be used as an opportunity to develop water transport and to the district. I have toured through this route and it is the best and shortest alternative now,” says Mr Kazibwe.

He added that “I’m going to engage UNRA to help the district to widen entries because the district has no capacity to do it. If these entries are widened costs of transport will reduce and the process of loading cargo and offloading will be easy”.

About 1,000 passengers are using this route, and according to Mr. Kyazze, the number is increasing every day ever since its inception last week.

Nkozi Sub County is the leading producer of watermelons, tomatoes, ad eggs in Mpigi district according to Mpigi district Commercial Officer Mr Kazibwe. Thus appealing to UNRA for an immediate response to improve Kayabwe – Katonga route via Namirembe – Kiwami landing sites.