Isma Iculi was so talkative and magniloquent, PM Mayiga says

Many have mourned the death of the fallen Vlogger Ibrahim Tusubira Aka Jaja Iculi Isma Olaxes after he was gunned down by unknown assailants near his home in Kyanja on Saturday evening. #WhisperEyeNews

The Katikiro of Buganda Charles Peter Mayiga who addressed the press on Monday morning also had something to say about the death of the vlogger.

According to Mayiga, it was unfortunate that Isma was killed in such a manner but said that the fallen vlogger had a problem of being too talkative most of the time speaking a lot without thinking first whether what he is saying is right or wrong.

Katikiro added that most of the time, such people end up crossing the red line, stepping on the toes of so many people some of whom may take things so personally and decide to do what they would not have done.

Mayiga said that he shouldn’t be misunderstood that this must have led to his death but is simply warning all people on social media not to misuse the platform by attacking and insulting people but rather use it positively to share Information that adds value to the public.

“Most of the time Isma would talk a lot without thinking first as to whether what he says is right or wrong. It’s however unfortunate that he was killed.” Mayiga said

On many occasions, Isma Olaxes attacked the Katikiro of Buganda through the numerous videos he posted on social media. At one time, accused the Katikiro of being too careless about the health of the Kabaka and trying to use his position as the Katikiro to only enrich himself. This did not go well in the ears of Mayiga.

Isma was buried on at his ancestral home in Nkokonjeru, Buikwe District on sunday.