Police beats Buvuma MP Susan Mugabi badly, hospitalized over political rally

The Buvuma Woman MP Hon Susan Mugabi was yesterday hospitalised after she was allegedly beaten by Police and the army who were on April 21, 2023 dispersing a belated Women’s Day celebration in her district. #WhisperEyeNews

Several of her supporters were also arrested.

According to the National Unity Platform Secretary General David Lewis Rubongoya, the incident is unfortunate and this all happened on the orders of the Area RDC. He adds that even the journalists who had traveled cover the event were also assaulted and forced to delete the footage they had recorded.

“I have just checked on her in hospital, where she was rushed in a critical condition. She is still in a very critical condition but the doctors are working hard to assist. She is still unable to talk or recognise her environment. The doctors say these are effects of the dangerous chemicals she was sprayed with. We hope she pulls through. She had organised Women’s Day celebrations in her district. On the orders of the RDC, the military and police started beating up everyone including other leaders.” Rubongoya said