“Mwenda’s views on homosexuality do not represent the MK Movement” Gashumba

The media coordinator of Team MK Mr. Frank M. Gashumba has cleared the air about the views of the National spokesperson of their Movement Mr. Andrew M. Mwenda on homosexuality. #WhisperEyeNews

According to Gashumba, Mwenda’s views are personal views that do not represent the MK Movement at any one point, and thus people should not mix the two. Gashumba added that the face of the MK Movement is Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba himself, not anyone he assigned any duties.

He added that Gen Muhoozi came out publicly using his official Twitter handle to air out his views on homosexuality and these are views the people should take not those of any other person within the movement.

Mr. Mwenda last week came out and vowed to drag the government to the courts of law should the President sign the anti-homosexuality bill into law.