Mixed feelings as Gen Museveni refuses to comment on the iron sheets scandal during speech to parliament

A big section of the public and MPs were left cursing and disappointed after Gen Museveni deliberately refused to mention a word about the iron sheets scandle during his speech to parliament on Thursday at Kololo Independence grounds.

As Museveni spoke to the Honourable members, murmurs were heard from the MPs asking the Command in Chief to atleast hint on the matter before he could conclude his speech.

However the President in response asked whoever had something to tell him to write to him in person or meet him.

As the country sat to watch the President’s speech to parliament, many had expectations that the Commander in chief would speak about the burning issue at hand of the iron sheets that saw big political players share what belonged to the vulnerable people of Karamoja.

However the Govt Chief Whip Hon Denis Hamson Obua defended the President saying that the Commander in Chief acted like a real leader by not getting excited to comment on a matter that is still under investigation.