“I regret joining political activism.” Gashumba

Many Ugandans joined political activism with a dream that it could lead to a change in governance for the better. However, what happens in the due process are so many different events that make some regret. Mr. Frank Gashumba of Sisimuka Uganda has his own story to tell.

Speaking on a political talk show on Monday 13th Feb, Gashumba said he regrets ever joining political activism in the opposition because it affected his finances.

Gashumba said he joined activism in 2011 during the time when Dr Kizza Besigye was the spear head of the opposition in the ventures to oust Gen Museveni’s regime out of power.

2011 saw many activities like walk to work, massive protests that were aimed at shaking the regime and cause a mass uprising that could lead to its downfall just as it was happening in the Arab spring where dictators in Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia and later Libya had been overthrown through mass protests by the oppressed.

Gashumba said before joining the activism, he had over 2.8 billion shillings of his accounts which he painfully earned but saw things starting to change.

According to Gashumba, fighting a government means the regime will also retaliate by trying to suffocate you financially and this is what happened to the Sisimuka Uganda founder. He said that some of his businesses were targeted and projects subbortaged because the regime felt that he could be among those financing its downfall.

‘I saw alot of things turning against me financially. Top businessmen feared to pattern with me and others pulled out of our business patternships. I could hardly win a bid to secure any contract. Fighting a regime means sacrificing your finances. I would be much richer hadn’t I joined activism.” He said

Gashumba however said he does not regret ever working and believing in Dr Kizza Besigye because he is the only authentic opposition leader that has ever challenged Gen Museveni with those that came after him only being comedians and agents of Gen Museveni.

“I joined political activism in 2011. I was still young and energetic and worked closely with Dr Kizza Besigye. The regime however crippled my finances something that affected me but I don’t regret ever working with Dr Besigye because he still remains the only clean opposition leader who has ever challenged Gen Museveni. The ones you see now are his agents.” He said

Since Dr Kizza Besigye pulled aside after the rise of Hon Kyagulanyi Robert Sentamu to the scene, Gashumba decided to join the Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba faction as it’s Media Cordinator and Director communications a movement that is aimed at seeing Gen Muhoozi succeed his father as President of Uganda.