“I can not go to dialogue with Gen Museveni,” says Kizza Besigye

Former Forum For Democratic President rtd Col. DR Kizza Besigye has come out to say that there is no need for him or the opposition to go to dialogue with Gen Museveni because the NRA commander has never respected any agreement or outcomes of any dialogue he has been in, in the past.

Besigye said that from the Nairobi peace talks to agreements with Dr. Kayiira, Gen Ali Bamuze, and so many others were never respected by Gen Museveni simply because he only wants to be the winner.

“Museveni is not a person you can trust. He has violated so many agreements in the past. Am not a fool to sit at a round table with him because I know he cannot let the agreement stand.

Besigye said therefore the only solution is to force Gen Museveni out of power and squeeze him to succumb to the demands of the people of Uganda.

He added that as long as Museveni still feels comfortable and in control, he cannot dialogue not until he loses stability.

“We the people of Uganda must force him to accept what we want not to let him dictate the terms of the agreement. We have to stick to one thing and that is ordering him to Step down. We cannot negotiate with him when he is still president. He must let his hands off that seat first.” Besigye said

Last year a story leaked in the media which showed that there were background arrangements that has been initiated so that Gen Museveni could talk with Dr. Kizza Besigye through Veteran Journalist Andrew Mwenda as the intermediary.

However, Besigye denied this to have ever happened even when Mwenda confirmed that some arrangements had been initiated.