Party after Party: Fanfare in NUP is tarnishing the struggle image, says Abed Bwanika

National Unity Platform MP Hon Abed Bwanika has come out to say that too many fanfare ceremonies like weddings are painting a bad picture of the struggle since many Ugandans are suffering but their leaders are making party after party.#WhisperEyeNews

MP Abed says as leaders they should restrain from activities that do not align with what they speak.

“You cannot say Museveni is a dictator and is oppressing you but you are having a wedding almost every end of the week. What do your followers think of you or the foreigners that you’re seeking support from?” Abed asked

“Actions speak louder than words. People are now judging us by what we do rather than what we speak. My advice to the young people at my party is to not be excited but stay calm. Official marriage can wait. Let’s concentrate on removing the dictator. ” Abed added

Hon Abed has advised the NUP authorities to stay away from the numerous parties their top members are making because fanfares contradict what they preach to the people of Uganda whom on all platforms they tell that Gen Museveni is oppressing all those that do not support him.

NUP has recently been castigated by the public over her top officials making numerous wedding parties something the public thinks is not in line with the struggle to remove Gen Museveni from power.

Since the end of the 2021 polls, over 7 top NUP officials have made their marriages official throwing luxurious parties costing hundreds of millions each.