Biden promises Zalensky full support to defeat Putin and his invading forces

Yesterday evening, Ukraine President Zalensky jetted into the United States using an American military aircraft which be boarded from Poland having traveled by train from Ukraine and went straight into White House to meet President Joe Biden.

This was the first foregin trip for the 43 year old President ever since the Russians invaded Ukraine in February.

At the meeting with Joe Biden, the US president promised full support for the Ukranians inform of military Aid and other necessities to help them defeat Putin and his invading forces.

“I had the honor of sitting down with President Zelenskyy of Ukraine.We’ve been in communication throughout the war, but it was meaningful to speak in person. I told President Zelenskyy the United States is committed to supporting the Ukrainian people for as long as it takes.” President Biden said

Ever since the Russians invaded Ukraine, the US has extended support worth over 30 billion US dollars to the Ukrainian people inform of food and military equipment.

In the recent past, the Ukraine forces have gain grip and managed to liberate some of the areas that had been captured by the Russians.