LDC mourns lawyer killed in boda boda – trailer accident in Kampala

The Law Development Center (LDC) @LDC_Uganda assistant director Lira LDC campus Counsel Faisal Umar Mulaliria has described Nakiboneka Jalia as a towering legal mind who stood against all odds having grown up as an orphan who lost her mother at the age of two years. #WhisperEyeNews

Nakiboneka Jalia born in 1997 was killed in a brutal Boda Boda, Trailer accident yesterday afternoon at Wandegeya, Kampala.

A traffic police report shared by the police mouthpiece confirmed the death of Nakiboneka Jalia killed in a fatal accident at Makerere Kavule. The accident involved a motor vehicle registration number UAY 005Q/UAD894Q Mercedes Benz) and a motorcycle, that claimed the life of a passenger on a motorcycle.

The deceased was identified as Nakiboneka Jalia, a student of the Law Development Centre, Lira Campus. The rider of the motorcycle took off immediately after the accident., a police report stated.

Yesterday LDC with permission from its Director Mr. Frank Othembi held interdenominational prayers for the deceased and a series of activities in her memory was held.

Clad in black mourning colors at the LDC Lira campus, candles were lit in her memory and three fruit trees were planted in her memory at the newly introduced LDC campus compound.

At the vigil, her classmates described her as very passionate about the law.

“She was a very committed, kind, and hard-working focused person who inspired many of us to read, ” one of the mourning students described the late.

At her death, Nakiboneka Jalia was pursuing her Diploma in PostGraduate Bar Course at LDC and she was in her fourth (clerkship) term pending graduation next year.

In the just-released police footage of Boda Boda accidents in Kampala and neighboring areas, 5 people are killed in reckless accidents by Boda Boda riders every day.

At Whisper Eye we celebrate the life of Nakiboneka Jalia.