Open Letter to General Muhoozi: I have a dream of Muhoozi’s Presidency – Lutukumoi Mwaka

Dear General,

Grace and peace be with you from the Lord Almighty, who sent his begotten son Jesus Christ to save us from this evil age, according to his abundant mercy, Amen.
General Muhoozi, you could be our God-sent messiah.

If you are tired of the trickery of cartels with the heart of state capture to make Mzee rule for life and pounds on us, wake up General.
As Ugandans and youth of our generation, we will pray for you, Solomon’s wisdom, and support to be President as soon as yesterday.

Having allegedly been approached by a deep state, including cartels in NRM and opposition who allegedly held Uganda at random.

They literally control the government and engage in Grand, national and international corruption. They ensure they control the economy and as well government.

They ensure their children are in charge of the management of lucrative parastatals like the Revenue Authority, trade, International Airports, and fisheries, and control both imports and exports.

They have captured Uganda, they negotiate with countries like China and Russia for huge collateral loans. They tender Uganda, natural resources, and national assets like Entebbe International Airport to China.

I am sure many Ugandans heard of this.
When President wanted to retire a long time, he is allegedly told he will face internal coups. It’s real, they are not bluffing.

They have taken over UPDF and security.
Thank God General Muhoozi still has control in the Army. The day the routes and cartels will take over, Uganda is finished.
The cartels control the mighty party NRM and partially the army.

You saw their sons openly attacking Muhoozi linking him to Absalom and King David in the Bible.

The moral question is, why are they adamant that the old man must rule until senile, docile, and incapacitated and pounds on Muhoozi and now make Uganda a para. These are International cartels that stop at nothing.

Even a fool knows, the dullest mind would not miss the point that we are duped. We see drones, torture, save houses, and torture.

The entire reign of terror is back. Back then, we had “Panda gari,, “ now drone. General Muhoozi and President Museveni were accused of torture, but they denied it. I am not defending torture but we must probe if someone cartels in the name of the deep state.

General, I have been an activist in Uganda, young Democrats( UYD) then later elected DP and opposition national spokesperson. It’s until 2011 that I joined the government.

I went with the truth and justice mentality fought corruption and brought service delivery. Do your research on why I am the only RDC who was recalled, President reappointed the RDC of Lira in 2014 to 2016 when I survived death from the cartels and now live in New York.

I was approached by some people, get to me, and you get the details.

I know many are wondering about this opinion. I am against making Uganda, a monarchy but we are on the highway to the best Democratic governance and prosperity with tranquility.

We need the sobriety of the snake in green grass and dove in the air. Ugandans, General Muhoozi has Uganda and Africa at heart.

Uganda and Rwanda could not see eyes, you know through these cartels took charge of our security and briefed General Kagame Daily. If General Muhoozi didn’t act first, the cartels would have succeeded in Rwanda.

General, thank God you are a General and many listen to you. I urge them unless you are part of the th oligarchs and cartels, if you love Uganda, we must all rally behind Muhoozi.

Let’s advise him to stop being erratic. It’s good for the youth though.

General, I am glad Mao has joined you. I call upon Acholi to rally behind Mao now.

Ugandans, tortured or not, “ or was med can ki adong”. Acholi says that never add poverty to a fight. Tsan Tsu taught us in the art of war, to know our enemies and ourselves and then go to win wars. General Muhoozi is a friend.

Remember, Generals who died. The torture we go through. All these are to make us never trust anyone. If you know you know. This is a monkey game and we must be ready to dodge their tails with our bodies. The Muhoozi project used it to discredit the first family and advance their agenda.

Sadly, they penetrate the so-called opposition. The current opposition is rich and during elections, they get fat checks for billions.
They never lose. Do you know how much Lukwago, Nganda, Nambooze, etc put into their campaigns? Do you know that the daughter of Sam Kutesa is now his replacement and do you know that the husband of the first daughter is the next President if Museveni dies in power or becomes incapacitated?

The moral question is, why are they against transition and the Muhoozi project but encourage Yoweri Museveni to keep ruling till death? Uganda let’s wake up from the slumber nightmare.

UPDF, you are blessed. If you let the Muhoozi luck go, the cartels want Uganda destroyed and you become regime security to be exiled. Or you die like General Mayombo, Kazini, Aronda, etc. Anyone loyal to General Muhoozi or Mzee must prepare graves now. Your children will be slaves.


  1. General, I urge all Ugandans and prayer warriors to pray for you.
  2. UPDF must rally behind you and tell President not to succumb to intimidation by cartels. These cartels can be world powers and colonizers. Remember, you are advocating for integration. You are a pan-African. Africa is blessed, with over 1.2 billion people and 35% of the world’s natural resources, we can be a world power. They don’t want. And they use greedy Africans.
  3. Immediately talk with Mao and Parliament and civil society. We need a law that put in place the rotational leadership of the country. We need an Executive Prime Minister, we need a deputy President, we need term limits back, we need two hoses of Parliament. We need a new system of government. Federal or devolution. Each region will nominate MPs to Parliament besides direct.

Note. What we have is confusion. President Museveni must call for national dialogue now. If not, UPDF act.

Mwaka Lutukumoi, Elder from Agwee, Gulu.