Gen Museveni forced to apologize for son’s undiplomatic statements against Kenya

The now former Commander Land Forcers Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba caused alot of diplomatic tensions between Uganda and her neighbor Kenya using his Twitter handle where he declared that it could take Uganda’s army just two weeks to capture Nairobi. #WhisperEyeNews

The unpleasant tweets raised eyebrows of many people including top Kenyan officials pointing fingers at Gen Museveni for failing to put his son to order.

Today President Museveni has come out to apologize for what went wrong when his son crossed the red line first as a military officer and 2nd as son to the President.

In his statement, Gen Museveni asked Kenyans to forgive Uganda for the tweets by Gen Muhoozi that affected the long term friendship the two countries has enjoyed for long.

He said that Muhoozi’s tweets donot represent the official position of his government nor the army and thus Kenyans including the president should forgive Uganda for what went wrong.

“I ask our Kenyan brothers and sisters to forgive us for tweets sent by General Muhoozi, former Commander of Land Forces here, regarding the election matters in that great country. It is not correct for Public officers, be they civilian or military, to comment or interfere in any way, in the internal affairs of brother countries. ” part of the statement reads

The only available legitimate forum is the Peer Review Mechanism of the African Union or confidential interactions among us or EAC and AU fora –not public comments. Why, then, promotehim to full General after these comments? This is because this mistake is one aspect where he has acted negatively as a Public officer.” He added

Museveni used the opportunity to inform the public as to why Gen Muhoozi deserved the army rank promotion

“There are, however, many other positive contributions the General has made and can still make. This is a time-testedformula –discourage the negative and encourage the positive. Very sorry, ndugu zetu Wakenya. Also sorry to the Ugandans who could have been annoyed by one of their officials” he said