Mityana Municipality MP, Hon Zaake welcomes lover to the Catholic Church


Yesterday morning on the 5th of September the area MP  Mityana municipality Zaake Francis Butebi rejoiced as her lover Namirembe Bridget Ndagire gets initiated into the Catholic faith.

At the diocese yesterday the two received their holy  Sacrament of Penance which precedes Holy Matrimony and the awaited to-be official wife converted from her former religion.

Besides the conversion of Namirembe to her husband’s religion, the Catholic church views marriage between a non-Catholic and a Catholic as invalid and isn’t recognized by the church. However, in some instances, the church doesn’t forbid a Catholic to marry a non-Catholic and this is termed as mixed marriages or dispensation from disparity of cult, and this is based on the Holy Bible 1(Corinthians 7:14).

The wedding ceremony of these two souls is meant to happen on 9th September this Friday at Kiyinda Mityana diocese and the final touches after the church will be at Gombolola- Busimbi in Mityana municipality.