Top Story: Mpigi District trains farmers irrigation systems under micro scale irrigation project (Ugift) at the Agricultural Development Center

Mpigi district local government has organized a one-day farmer’s training to boost productivity through modern farming systems. #WhisperEyeNews

The training headed by Mpigi district production and marketing officer Mr. Sserwadda James Patrick inducted farmers into a small-scale irrigation system in which the district through the Ugift program is giving out irrigation systems to farmers.

Mr. Sserwadda told farmers that the government pays 75% of the irrigation system and a farmer pays 25%, as a way to promote irrigation farming in the district to deal with climate change.

Farmers have been also advised to plant more trees, as well as protect forests to fight climate change which affects food security in the district.

The district commercial officer Mr. Kazibwe Ronald told farmers to start investing in Beekeeping because of its profitability due to excess demand for honey and other products on the market.

The district has also constructed an apiary center at the Mpigi district Agricultural Development Center (ADC) to add value, promoting apiary farming in the district.