MP Balimwezo donates Kuroiler chicks to poultry farmers in Nakawa East

#WhisperEyeNews #UgandaNews

The Nakawa East constituents are in jubilation after their area MP Hon.Balimwezo Ronald Nsubuga and his foundation of Balimwezo Community Foundation through their farmers forum of Nakawa East Farmers Forum donated chicks (Kuroiler chicks) to selected organized farmers from each parish making Nakawa East Constituency this week.

Every farmer got 4 boxes of Chicks each containing 50 ( 50×4=200 Chicks). The project aimes at helping people in the Constituency especially farmers to fight the poverty, increase the quality and quantity of chicken products that will result in better income and nutrition for farmers in the country.

Farmers were emphasized by the area Mp Balimwezo & the doctors to always make farm records , gather necessary equipments, do farm monitoring , follow farm bird treatments as instructed by the doctors.

The National Unity Platform Mp promised to look and provide his farmers with better markets as it’s one of the leading problem .

Hon. Balimwezo warned his farmers over selling the Chicks before they are ready, he promised to be monitoring the project with the help of other farmers forum cabinet team.

Speaking to some of the beneficiaries, they thanked the MP for having such a kind heart and standing on his word of serving the people of Nakawa East.