NRM -DP Marriage: An open letter to Democrats of Uganda – Kasekende Ronald

#WhisperEyeNews #UgandaNews

Dear Democrats,

Joining NUP was a decision I made in pain thinking maybe one day one time Mao will leave our DP to shine again. Unlike others who joined NUP to be able to win political posts, I joined painfully with just in need of a platform to fight m7 genuinely.

That pain of leaving my grandparents’ party has been still rotating in my veins and arteries all along thinking that one day one time it will take state power, one day Mr Wamala Balunabba told me the problem of DP is just the selfish leaders like Mao and his colleagues but the party is still the DP that groomed us into political activities, analysts and fighters, I felt his words worthy but before that the selfish Mao the so called PG and his bag boy Dr. Siranda have sold it wholly to the Junta!

On this note, I call upon all Democrats to go and rescue the party by moving Mr. Mao and his bag boy from the party offices forcefully, letting lawyers and lawful Democrats go to court because the president general and his Secretary general do not have that authority to enter into an agreement with another party according to chapter 3 (18) of the DP constitution the NEC only ensures policies laid down by the national delegates conference are executed not policies laid down by the PG and his SG therefore if they wanted an agreement with NRM let them go into an agreement as individuals and according to party constitution chapter 10 (80c) their DP membership should be terminated and they feel free to participate in their NRM activities.

Anyway one day Hon Betty Nambooze MADAM TEACHER’S CLASS said that PG Mao told her that “I will return your DP when it is like ekikongoliro (the maize comb after removing the maize fruits) and we all thought it was a joke but now we have realized our grandparents’ party is no more.
Should we call upon all Democrats in northern Uganda to stop PG Mao never to step his leg home?! Anyway, just an opinion.

Mao should learn from UPC, that they made such collaboration with NRM thinking they will share power with the Junta or take power from him but up to now the party is just fading out from Uganda politics. Anyway as. NUP registered members let me focus on fighting the ruling regime and cleaning the few individuals (MPs) in the party who are in a relationship with the speaker that has led them to be compromised.
Ronald Kasekende
The generational leader