Exclusive: Mpigi district commercial officer Mr Kazibwe Ronald discovers equator line in Makanaga ramsa site, UWEC promises support to develop tourism sector in Mpigi

By Andrew Mugonza Senator

Mpigi district commercial officer Mr. Kazibwe Ronald has discovered an equator line in Makanaga Ramsa site which runs from Mpigi through Lake Victoria, he has advised the government to invest money to develop the area saying it has immense tourism potential. #WhisperEyeNews #UgandaNews

This Equator line was discovered through Makanaga Wetland found in Kammengo – Mpigi, stretching through Ssenkaaba Island in Lake Victoria.

Mr. Kazibwe in an exclusive interview with Whisper Eye, he has taken time looking for an island where the equator line passes through the waters of Lake Victoria from Mpigi district.

The equator line through Lake Victoria gives a tourist an opportunity to sail across the southern and Northern hemispheres just within a few minutes from Ssanya landing site in Kammengo, Mpigi.

The famous Makanaga Ramsa site has more than 135 bird species including migratory, endangered, and indigenous, it has the biggest number of Shoebills (Buulwe) in Uganda. The shoebill is the most popular migratory bird specie at Makanaga Wetland.

Ssenkaaba Island where the newly discovered Equator line runs through Lake Victoria from Mpigi district

According to Mr. Kazibwe, Mpigi district is ready to implement the special planning zone at Makanaga under the physical planning act to prevent dangerous human activities within Makanaga Ramsa site.

“We are also attracting the private sector to invest in facilities that can attract tourists to visit the Ramsa site and to spend more time. These include accommodation facilities, performing cultural music, dance, and drama, among others,” Mr. Kazibwe said.

“We are going to provide tourism information boards, which will help to market the site and guide tourists,” he added.

Mr. Kazibwe appealed to the Uganda Wildlife Education Center (UWEC) to protect the endangered birds and animal species within the Ramsa site.

“We appeal to UWEC to help Mpigi district in conserving and restocking this site because of its tourism potential,” says Mr. Kazibwe.

“UWEC should also help us in promoting the Ramsa site, educating the public and political leaders on the importance of this site to the district and Uganda as a country,” he stated.

Key Challenges at Makanaga
Illegal fishing, bush burning, deforestation, pollution especially plastic pollution among others.

The Local Economic Development assessment report described Mpigi district as a sleeping giant that must use its competitive advantages starting with developing the tourism sector.